Home Ervaringen Personal story Emma


Gepubliceerd op Feb 08, 2024

“I learned in treatment to look at myself with more compassion.”

Emma, 25, felt completely disconnected from her surroundings at times during her graduation. She didn’t know exactly what it was, what it was caused by and how to get rid of it. In her treatment at iPractice, she discovered it was a panic disorder.


“I didn’t know then that it was a panic attack” 

During my graduation, I sometimes completely shut myself off from my surroundings. This happened especially in situations where I had to speak, or something was expected of me. I was overstimulated and it felt like my body was in survival mode. I didn’t know then that it was a panic attack.


“Later it also happened at times when I was normally relaxed”

At one point, I also started having them at the cafe, or at a party. The panic attacks started as work-related difficulties, but later they also happened at times when I was normally relaxed. I even had a panic attack in the bathtub once.


“The curfew during corona was the last straw” 

During my final thesis, the curfew was introduced because of corona. That was hard. I was working on my thesis with my roommates on Friday and Saturday evenings and had virtually no moments of relaxation. The curfew was the last straw.


“At one point my whole body was constantly panicking”

At one point my whole body was constantly panicking. At some point I couldn’t go on and went to see my general practitioner. I’m always very open about mental health, so it felt like the right move.


“Within a week I was able to start the intake at iPractice”

A friend introduced me to iPractice. Within a week I could start with the intake, which was really nice. I also liked the alternation between online and offline therapy. With the online psychologist I had short moments of reflection and I could check in with her via chat. In the consultation room, I received cognitive behavioral therapy where the physical proximity and sense of connection was actually very pleasant.


“I learned in treatment to look at myself with more compassion”

I have learned in treatment to look at myself with more compassion and to be more calm and patient with myself. At first I was looking for a quick fix, but now I know it takes time. I also learned how to relax and how to deal with panic.


“Often it’s a matter of just sitting down and waiting for the panic to pass”

The moments of rest and peace are increasing, but there are also days when I am still struggling with my feelings. But now I know that moments like these come and go. Often it’s a matter of just sitting and waiting for the panic to pass.


“It is normal to not feel well sometimes”

I hope mental health becomes less of a taboo subject. It’s normal to not feel well sometimes. And it helps to talk about it, whether that’s with a counselor or a close friend you confide in.


Looking for help?
Do you recognize the symptoms from Emma’s story? Don’t hesitate to seek help. Call 085-1308900 now and talk to a psychologist.

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