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Treatment at iPractice

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What does a treatment at iPractice look like?

You experience psychological symptoms that increasingly affect your daily functioning. You are no longer coping on your own and you want help from a psychologist. Signing up with iPractice is an easy process consisting of a few steps.

1. First contact

You can call us about your symptoms and request for help. You will receive advice and insight into iPractice’s methods. The treatment will take place in the consultation room and online. The treatments are goal-oriented and last on average 5 to 7 months. In the first conversation we explore with you whether a treatment at iPractice suits you.


2. Introduction

If we conclude that we can help you well, we schedule an appointment with one of the psychologists. You need a referral letter from your family doctor, company doctor or medical specialist to get reimbursed care. Only with a referral letter and a probable diagnosis according to the DSM-5, psychological care is reimbursed from the basic insurance.


 ➥ I have a referral letter:

A pre-intake interview will be scheduled with your online psychologist and we will schedule an intake interview with your consultation room psychologist. 


 ➥ I don’t have a referral letter:

See your family doctor first and explain your symptoms. If psychological help is needed, the GP will send a digital referral to iPractice. We will call you to schedule the intake interviews. The sessions are not scheduled until you have a referral letter. If you want to pay for the treatment yourself, you do not need a referral letter.


3. Digital questionnaire

Before the intake interview you will receive a digital questionnaire. The questionnaire is intended to identify your symptoms and your needs. This way your psychologists are well prepared and can help you right away.


4. Intake

The pre-intake interview is a 20-minute conversation via video call connection with your online psychologist. Together you clarify your needs and explore which treatment is best for you.

After the pre-intake you will have a 45 minute conversation with your consultation room psychologist. This conversation is at one of our locations or by video call. Together you determine if you are ready to start your treatment at iPractice. If this is the case, you will set up a treatment plan with your psychologists.



After the intakes, the treatment starts right away. You will have weekly contact with your online psychologist via the secure chat environment. The chat is available to you day and night to share your emotions. 

With your consultation room psychologist you will have an in-depth conversation on average every 2 weeks on location or by video call. In your treatment, you work toward the most specific goal possible. Your psychologists will help you define that goal.


End of treatment

From the start of your treatment, you work toward achieving the goals you have set. At the end of treatment, you and your psychologists create a plan. This will enable you to continue working on your mental health with the tools we provided.


Duration of treatment

There are various treatments. A common treatment lasts between 5 and 7 months. During the intake phase, you and your psychologist will assess which course of treatment is most suitable for you.


Waiting time

At iPractice we strive to have an intake within 4 weeks. After the intake you do not have to wait and you can immediately start your treatment. Sometimes it can take longer than 4 weeks. We do our best to help everyone as soon as possible and ask for your understanding. 


I don’t want to have a treatment

Do you decide to stop or not start treatment? Please let us know as soon as possible. In the time our psychologists have reserved for you, we can help someone else. This way the waiting time for everyone is kept as short as possible.


I am looking for help

publish-icon Gepubliceerd - 25 Jan 2024
Due to the combination of on-location in-depth and reflective conversations with in-person online conversations, iPractice has no long wait times; you can start almost immediately!
nine gramberg ipractice psycholoog
GZ-Psychologist Nine Gramberg

iPractice offers everyone:

  • arrow-icon Reimbursed care with a rating of 9+
  • arrow-icon Immediate help without waiting
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