simone das dores ipractice psycholoog

Simone das Dores - Clinical psycholoog

Afspraak maken met Simone?

phoneBel 020-2111512

Simone das Dores is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist at iPractice. Her working method is problem- and strength-oriented and, most importantly, value oriented. The techniques she uses include cognitive behavioural therapy but she likes to look at the bigger picture, taking inspiration from philosophy. Thanks to her extensive experience of working in hospitals (ZMC, ZGV and OLVG), Simone is an expert in the connection between the body and the mind.

Simone graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a degree in Clinical Psychology. She then went on to become a Healthcare Psychologist and did her training at RINO in Amsterdam to specialise as a Clinical Psychologist. She is also a NVP (Netherlands Association of Psychologists) and VGCT (Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy) supervisor. She loves to work with clients as well as colleagues.