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Complaints and Compliments

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Are you dissatisfied with the help you are receiving or have received at iPractice? Or are you dissatisfied with the cost of your treatment? We appreciate you sharing that with us. We can learn from it. Are you very satisfied with the help you received from iPractice? We’d like to hear that too. Complaints and compliments create better help.

Complaints and dissatisfaction

Are you unhappy with iPractice? It helps to talk about it as soon as possible with those involved, for example with your psychologist. Most complaints can be resolved satisfactorily in the first contact.


Compliments and tips

Are you very satisfied with our treatment and want others to benefit from your experience? We appreciate it if you would like to leave a rating on Zorgkaart Nederland. You can also leave a rating at Google.


Complaints Officer

If you are dissatisfied with our services, we hope you will want to discuss this with us. In the first instance, you will discuss your complaint with your psychologist. Sometimes this can be difficult or you may not feel able to discuss your complaint. In that case, you can contact the iPractice complaints officer. She can be reached at klachten@ipractice.nl. The complaints officer can play a mediating role in handling your complaint.


If you contact the complaints officer, you can expect the following:


  1. We take your complaint seriously;
  2. We will talk to you and investigate where your complaint comes from;
  3. We look for an appropriate solution with you.


Are you dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint? You can also contact the Dispute Commission at www.degeschilllencommissiezorg.nl. Please note that there is a cost associated with this.


Financial questions or complaints

Have a question about an invoice, or have other financial questions? Check out our page about fees and reimbursements or contact financielevragen@ipractice.nl.


More information

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    Do you have a complaint or a suggestion for improvement? Discuss it with your psychologist first. Sometimes this can be difficult or you may not feel the space to discuss your complaint. In that case, you can contact iPractice’s complaints officer. She can be reached at klachten@ipractice.nl.

publish-icon Gepubliceerd - 14 Jun 2024
We are always open to learning. Are you happy or dissatisfied with our help? If so, please let us know!
nine gramberg ipractice psycholoog
GZ-Psychologist Nine Gramberg

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